Eye Examination
​Have you recently been for an eye examination?
1 in 3 people reading this will not meet the legal visual standard for driving.
Whether you are a contact lens or a spectacles wearer, it is important to visit your optician regularly to ensure that your eyes are healthy and your prescription is up to date. It is important to check for possible eye conditions that could occur in between eye tests.​ Eyesight deterioration can be so gradual that it often goes unnoticed, but a regular examination will ensure that your eyes are receiving the best possible care.

All our opticians are highly-qualified and can offer both Private and NHS sight tests depending on your circumstances.
​​Your sight is arguably your most important sense; yet, many people do not attend regular eye examinations as they do not experience problems with their vision. However, some eye conditions such as glaucoma, do not impact sight until the later stages, and often, damage is irreversible. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and even brain tumors can also be found during routine examinations. Incorporating regular eye examinations into your healthcare regime could do more than help you see clearly.
Eye examinations for children under 16 are funded by the NHS. Poor eyesight can impair a child's ability to learn at school and is a major factor in reading disorders such as Dyslexia.

When visiting for an eye test we have a wide range of designer eyewear for you to choose from for your prescription glasses. Our expert dispensing team will be happy to assist you in choosing the perfect pair.
We are dedicated to providing you with the highest standards of eye care and
customer service.